Saturday, March 19, 2011

Surprised by spring

In between running errands today Josie and I stopped by Fernwood for a little walk, and I was surprised to find spring already well underway there.  The gardens were bursting with snowdrops, little tiny irises, and I think the yellow ones may be some sort of buttercups.  Out in the woods the trillium were just starting to come up, I'll have to get back in a few days for some shots; I try to make sure I see the trillium in bloom every year but I've never taken any photos of them.

For any of you who read the comment thread to my last post and hopefully watched the video recommended by the lovely Misha, you may know that I'm experiencing some hesitation and doubts about taking on more ambitious creative endeavors.  I suppose I should feel good in a way; I felt the same way about starting this blog just a couple of months ago and now have come to a point where this doesn't feel challenging anymore (today's post is a good example of that, nice pictures, but nothing new or difficult for me).  But now, as I think about ways to make this project more worthwhile or about starting something new, I slip right back into my old habit of "just thinking about it".  Today is never the right day to start, and tomorrow never ends up being that day either.  And though I don't want to admit it to myself most of the time, that comes from a fear of failure, and a (false, I know, I know) belief that in general I'm not anything special anyway.  I've got to get past this, and I think I need to use a similar format to what has helped me be successful in the blog: deadlines!  Apparently I need them even though I sort of detest them.

So, in the next week I hope to introduce a idea I've had to add something a little different here and there on this blog, and in other more personal projects I'm going to try setting some short term goals (and make sure that I tell someone about them, yeah accountability).  But, to any of you regular readers, I would also really appreciate any suggestions or ideas for mini photo related projects; maybe something you've tried in the past or been meaning to try yourself.  I so appreciate all of you for all your comments and for being my reason to post everyday, thank you.


  1. These are gorgeous shots, Meg. You also did me a great favor in identifying snowdrops. I've had these coming up in my front garden for years, but had no idea what they were. Thank you :)

    I read this before heading to bed last night and was giving thought to your question about ideas for posts / projects. After sleeping on it, I'm still thinking the same thing I was last night and that is: listen. Listen to that small inner voice tossing out story ideas, etc. and then just trust it. It makes me smile to envision you standing in a headstand to commune with your genius.

    So, that's my suggestion: headstand, listen and then just do it. Put duct tape on the inner critic's mouth!

    Are you familiar with Julia Cameron's book, "The Artist's Way"? I discovered it and did the 12 week at home "program" over a decade ago and it really did help quiet my inner critic.

    Your project is beautiful. Your open self-reflection is a gift.


  2. I really love the third picture, the light coming through the leaves, the sense of quantity. And I'm a new follower, but could I be so bold as to suggest a new way of looking at today not being the right day to start a project? Sometimes I think we're not necessarily procrastinating or feeling a lack of motivation. I think some ideas just need to simmer awhile, whether its a few days or a few years. When the time is right, you won't be able to *not* work on it. I don't know if that really applies in the situation you described, but I thought I'd throw it out there. :)

  3. Misha and Johannah, thank you both for reminding me that in my search for ways to grow creatively I may be overcomplicating things a bit. While some artistic calisthenics wouldn't hurt to hone my skills, isn't what I really want to do to learn to recognize my own creative voice and how/when to follow it? And, as you pointed out Johannah, if I am paying attention to my ideas everyday, when the time is right I won't be able to ignore them. As long as the pot is simmering I'll have to come back to check on it once and awhile.

    Oh, and Misha, I love the idea of communing with my genius in headstand! Maybe that is why I love that pose so much. And if my genius loves to be upside down as much as me that makes perfect sense.

    Thank you both for your sage advice!

  4. Envisioning you communing with your genius that way makes me smile in a really big way.
