Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Josie got her first library book today.  I haven't been comfortable letting her take any books home until now, and actually she hasn't been that interested, but she fell in love with this book today.  She was laughing so enthusiastically at her favorite page ("Chick poops" of course) that she had all the librarians in the place laughing with her.  So we brought "Chick" home, and later on it inspired her to want to write her first word.  I'm sure she will be thrilled 10 years from now when I'm telling all her friends that the first word she ever wrote was "poop" (pictured below).  So this post isn't very challenging in the photography department, but hey, I'm a parent and every once and a while I just get excited about how my child is developing and want to share that excitement a bit.  And since (I guess) I'm a photographer now, what better way to share it than through photos.


  1. HA! or should that be, POOP?


    Great shots. I especially love the one where she is delightedly covering her mouth, laughing. So sweet!

  2. I like that last shot too. As a mom myself, I TOTALLY understand sharing yor excitement.

  3. Thank you Misha and Ange for indulging my mom moment!

  4. I shared this story about your daughter and her first word with my children (they are nearly 8 and 11 years old) and they cracked up.

    Today, we were at the library and while my daughter chose some picture books to go with her chapter books, we saw "Chick" and had to open it up to find the "chick poops" page.


  5. So glad we could pass on some of the "Chick poops" joy your way Misha! There have been many, many laughs around here from it, and it's a joke that doesn't seem to stop being funny if you're three years old.
