Saturday, January 22, 2011

Yeah Terrarium!

I went to a class today at Fernwood Botanical Gardens in Niles and made my first terrarium.  It really was the perfect thing to do to help with my mid-winter depression (I had no idea the smell of dirt could make me so happy!).  Taking a picture of it was not easy however, the distortion of the glass made anything from the side not work, but you don't get a great idea of what it looks like just from the top.  Oh well, I love it and couldn't think of anything I would rather photograph today.  Hopefully I won't be posting a picture of a dead terrarium in a few weeks, I tend to kill house plants but I was told this was pretty idiot proof.  We'll see if it's Meg proof too.

1 comment:

  1. I'm back! I got behind and then school started and then I started feeling guilty for being behind which made me more behind.

    Your photos are amazing. I know it's possible that you look at all of them and only see what didn't work and how they didn't measure up to your goals (that's how I am with everything I've ever written), but you have such a gift with capturing the visual.

    I'm glad you got your hands in dirt. :)
