Monday, January 10, 2011

Up in Smoke

Well, I had a plan for my photo today, but it didn't work out, so this was my plan b (my first plan was "up in smoke" get it? I'm so clever).  I don't think this photo turned out too bad, a little grainier (is that a word?) than I would have liked but I think that had to do with using the telephoto and having to be fairly far away.  I really didn't want the background in focus at all though and my other lens seems to keep everything in focus no matter what I do.  I'll have to do some reading on this I think, see if there is anything I can do about that because the 18-55mm does so much better in low light situations like this one.  Anyway, it was mesmerizing watching the smoke and waiting for interesting shapes to appear.


  1. You made a pun! We are winning....

    This photo is so cool. It reminds me of one of my favorite parts of the animation artistry in the Cowboy Bebop series: the cigarette smoke. It was so fascinatingly done.

    That was one of the things I liked about smoking, too: watching the curl of the smoke. It was absorbing and restful. (Don't worry, I'm not tempted to light one up.)

    I didn't notice at first, but I see what you mean about the slightly grainy element to the photo. Doesn't keep the image from being really cool.

  2. I'm inspired by your project and your blog. I am looking forward to following your progress this year.
