Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Beheaded What?!

So I feel it may be time for a bit of an explanation regarding the name of this blog.  My husband's reaction when I first told him about it was basically to give me a look that said, "Okay crazy hippie lady, whatever" (I get that look a lot) but after a couple of days he came to me and said, "All right, what does mean?"  I found that question a little hard to answer.

I actually can't take much credit for it, a friend of mine who has an amazing gift for words and language actually came up with it for me as a name for an Etsy shop (which is in progress, should be up soon).  I loved the way it sounded immediately, even if I was a little intimidated by it.  It was inspired by a conversation we were having about a certain Hindu Deity, but as I started thinking about it the name started to have many layers of meaning for me, which only made me gravitate towards it more.  I found that it perfectly described the way I felt about the world around me, about the state of womanhood in our culture, and probably most importantly the way I feel about myself.  How I feel that I may be capable of much more than I currently am, but am crippled by so many things, most of all the barriers I put in my own way. 

So that's pretty much the story behind the crazy name for this blog.  If you have any further questions please consult my severed head.

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