Thursday, April 7, 2011


I love it when our niece comes to stay with us, but I have to say I do NOT love combing her hair.  She has gorgeous, thick, slightly wavy hair that comes half-way down her back.  It is beautiful, but a pain!  So here is a shot of me doing battle with it (and my camera on timer mode, though I think I'm actually starting to get pretty good at using it).


  1. A comb with wider teeth might help you out a bit.
    And starting near the bottom and working your way up might be easier too.
    We actually had to cut our oldest daughter's hair to a shorter style when she was 6 or 7 because it tangled so badly and so quickly!
    You are a good Aunt to wrestle with your niece's hair. I imagine that most would just leave it for Mom to deal with.

  2. Yep. As someone who's had long hair and tangles her entire life, I have to say that Ange has it...large tooth comb and start at the bottom = less crying! Also, some detangle gel....

  3. I forgot to mention that I love the way your niece looks like she is watching you VERY CAREFULLY so you don't pull! Cute. :)

  4. I agree-- the way she is looking back at you makes the shot. And, if you are looking for more advice, I made some cheap detangler by mixing a tbsp of conditioner in a spray bottle of water. Very handy. :)

  5. Thanks everybody! I love all the advice, Josie and I both have fairly fine, really straight hair, so this hasn't been an issue for me until now. Usually we have detangler around but we happened to be out (love the conditioner idea, will definitely be trying that!). I'm sure Piper will appreciate that I've been schooled on how to do hair the next time she's over.

    I really like how she was looking back at me in the shot too. I love it when serendipitous moments like that happen. I can't take credit for it, it was just luck, or the photography gods smiling on me or something.

  6. I like the very true-to-life relatability of this shot. Conditioner really is a good idea, whether as a spray or when washing hair. When one of my sons had longer hair, I let him know that conditioning hair in the shower is part of taking care of the hair, to prevent tangles.
