Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Seeker of Divine Knowlegde

I've been wanting to try over the last few days creating a photo that tells some sort of story.  I really had no idea other than that what I wanted to do today, and since I waited until the end of the day (again) to start on this I was limited to what I could find around my house.  So, a big thank you all my house plants and coasters, as well as my Buddha and this little elephant guy.  I'm not sure I really love this photo, but setting this up was a lot of fun and I'll probably give something like this another try soon.


  1. Oooo, this is simply lovely. Great concept, great execution!

  2. Your comment on Amy's blog about not being able to take headless Ken to the movies or let him drive cracked me up. So here I am.

    This post looks like it was fun. Love the story idea (and the coaster gratitude).

    Looking forward to following your project.

  3. That comment also cracked me up, too! Your photo inspired me today. I gave you credit, I hope you don't mind. Great job with today's post, too! Capturing little feet and toes must be done for documenting purposes!

  4. Ha, that comment got me here too!
    Love this picture, by the way!
